Goddess Temple Pilgrimages
Welcome to Goddess Temple Pilgrimages
We take people on Goddess Pilgrimages into the magical mystery worlds of Goddess.
We journey to the lands of our Priestess-selves.
We visit ancient temples and earth sacred sites throughout Europe, where we will offer our prayers and intentions, giving thanks to Goddess for the gifts in our lives.

What are Goddess Pilgrimages?
Goddess Pilgrimages are journeys of the soul, bringing us into deeper connection with ourselves and with Goddess. Journeying intentionally to these sacred places brings healing into our hearts. They awaken our soul, and help us to remember who we are, and who we once were .
People embark on pilgrimages for many reasons… maybe you are in need of deep healing and nourishment… maybe you are at a time of transition, where you are at a crossroad and unsure which path to take… maybe Goddess is asking you to change your life and step into your power… or maybe you hear the call of the ancient Priestess, beckoning you to their lands to remember who you were….
With any journey there can be challenges along the way. Fears may arise as Goddess asks you to transform and shine your light in the world. These pilgrimages are led by Priestesses of Goddess who have trained in the Avalonian tradition in Glastonbury. They involve visits to sacred sites, creating ceremony, meditation, sharing circles and give you the space to go inwards.
We offer pilgrimages of different time lengths. Some are one/two days long, others last a week. Please see pages for more information.
Goddess Pilgrimages