Forest Goddess Retreats
Four Weekends 2025
with Anna-Saqqara Price and Michelle Braniff Williams

Can you hear the call of the Goddess ?
Is she calling to you to stop, nurture and expand your connection to your wild soul essence?
Journey with us as we creatively explore the various faces of the Wild Forest Goddess, in her magical groves and sacred spaces. We will walk in the forest, dance, sing, create and weave magic through sacred sound and shamanic ceremonies, empowering your Wild Soul connection.
Join us for one or more of these deep soul nurturing retreats, exploring how the wisdom of the Goddess in her Maiden, Lover, Mother, Crone aspects can support you in your lives.
Priestesses of Avalon Anna-Saqqara and Michelle will be your wayshower guides for our four Wild Forest Goddess Retreats. They are set in the ancient surroundings of the Forest of Dean, held in the beautiful setting of the Asha centre. Here you will be able to relax into the peaceful grounds and luxurious accommodation to help you fully empower the Goddess within you.
Wild Forest Maiden
Friday 14 - Sunday 6 March 2025
Embrace the magical fey energies of the Wild Forest Maiden. On this inspiring journey we will dance the dance of the Wild Forest Maiden. Through elemental dance and blessing ceremonies, we will initiate the journey of your magical wild child. You will be guided to heal and connect with your inner child’s creativity, so that you can make your fairy wand with magical sticks that you are guided to find in the forest. You will meet the Wild Fairy Forest Maiden in a Sacred Sound journey and Goddess Embodiment Ceremony, and receive individual blessings and healings from the Goddess.
Come and explore with us this enchanted forest and gardens to release the magic of your inner Wild Forest Maiden.

Wild Forest Love
Friday 25 - Sunday 27 April 2025
Join us as we guide you to journey into the Spring Forest of Love to meet the Forest Goddess to empower your inner lover self.
Through dance, movement and sound we will explore the story of Blodeuwedd. We will connect to the loving energy of the Celtic Flower Goddess to heal your wounds of love, so that you're able to open your heart and give and receive love. We will guide you to create your own sacred Rose Elixir of Love, in the magical rose gardens, for healing and empowerment. You will weave your flower crown and reclaim your sovereignty in sacred crowning ceremony in the forest, owning the presence of your Wild Forest lover that you are.
Wild Forest Mother
Friday 15 - Sunday 17 August 2025
Join us as we journey deep into the cool groves of the forest to be nurtured by the unconditional love of the Mother Goddess.
We will follow the shamanic beat of the drum, calling to the Deer Mother and asking for her guidance support and healing for our Motherline wounds. In shamanic ceremony around the fire, we release the burdens and old patterns that have been carried through your Motherline.
Following the deer trods of Ellen of the Ways we will explore the new pathways of your life, empowering your visions with the Tree of Life to manifest your dreams. Following in her footsteps steps, we will walk in pilgrimage to the ancient well to be reborn and anointed in her sacred waters, embracing the power of your Wild Forest Mother.

Wild Forest Crone
Friday 24 - Sunday 26 October 2025
Join us to dive deep into the darkness of the Forest to meet your shadows and reclaim the wisdom of the Wild Forest Crone. Walk with us into Arianhrods Labyrinth to initiate this journey with a shamanic fire ceremony.
We will guide you creatively to reclaim the gifts of your Wild Crone Shadow. We will weave them with the power of your Wild Soul, through dance and intuitive art held in a deep Shadow Dance Ceremony.
Rest in the dark cave of the Wild Forest Crone and be guided by Her-story and sacred sounds, and journey to reclaim and empower your-story. Walk back out through the labyrinth, carrying out the gifts of your reclaimed Shadow, fully embracing and empowering your Wild Forest Crone wisdom.
These retreats will take place from Fridays - Sundays at the beautiful Asha Centre, in the heart of the Forest of Dean.
Shared accommodation in twin rooms
Food and drinks
Priestess Guides, Ceremonies, Meditations

£350 per person, per retreat
£50 deposit (non-refundable) to book. The rest is payable two weeks before the retreat